class Erector::AbstractWidget

Abstract base class for Widget. This pattern allows Widget to include lots of nicely organized modules and still have proper semantics for “super” in subclasses. See the rdoc for Widget for the list of all the included modules.

Public Class Methods

hyphenize_underscores() click to toggle source
# File lib/erector/abstract_widget.rb, line 38
def self.hyphenize_underscores
hyphenize_underscores=(enabled) click to toggle source
# File lib/erector/abstract_widget.rb, line 42
def self.hyphenize_underscores=(enabled)
  @@hyphenize_underscores = enabled
inline(*args, &block) click to toggle source
# File lib/erector/abstract_widget.rb, line 46
def self.inline(*args, &block) do
    include Erector::Inline*args, &block)
new(assigns = {}, &block) click to toggle source
# File lib/erector/abstract_widget.rb, line 60
def initialize(assigns = {}, &block)
  unless assigns.is_a? Hash
    raise ArgumentError, "Erector widgets are initialized with only a parameter hash, but you passed #{assigns.class}:#{assigns.inspect}. (Other parameters are passed to to_html, or the #widget method.)"

  @_assigns = assigns

  assigns.each do |name, value|
    instance_variable_set(name.to_s[0..0] == '@' ? name : "@#{name}", value)

  @_parent = eval("self", block.binding) if block
  @_block = block
prettyprint_default() click to toggle source
# File lib/erector/abstract_widget.rb, line 28
def self.prettyprint_default
prettyprint_default=(enabled) click to toggle source
# File lib/erector/abstract_widget.rb, line 32
def self.prettyprint_default=(enabled)
  @@prettyprint_default = enabled

Public Instance Methods

call_block() click to toggle source

When this method is executed, the default block that was passed in to the widget's constructor will be executed. The semantics of this block – that is, what “self” is, and whether it has access to Erector methods like “div” and “text”, and the widget's instance variables – can be quite confusing. The rule is, most of the time the block is evaluated using “call” or “yield”, which means that its scope is that of the caller. So if that caller is not an Erector widget, it will not have access to the Erector methods, but it will have access to instance variables and methods of the calling object.

If you want this block to have access to Erector methods then use Erector::Inline#content or Erector#inline.

# File lib/erector/abstract_widget.rb, line 146
def call_block if @_block
capture() click to toggle source
Alias for: capture_content
capture_content() { || ... } click to toggle source

Creates a whole new output string, executes the block, then converts the output string to a string and returns it as raw text. If at all possible you should avoid this method since it hurts performance, and use widget instead.

# File lib/erector/abstract_widget.rb, line 176
def capture_content
  original, @_output = output,
  original.widgets.concat(output.widgets) # todo: test!!!
  @_output = original
Also aliased as: capture
content() click to toggle source

Template method which must be overridden by all widget subclasses. Inside this method you call the magic element methods which emit HTML and text to the output string.

If you call “super” (or don't override content, or explicitly call “#call_block”) then your widget will execute the block that was passed into its constructor. The semantics of this block are confusing; make sure to read the rdoc for Erector#call_block

# File lib/erector/abstract_widget.rb, line 130
def content
emit(options = {}) click to toggle source

Entry point for rendering a widget (and all its children). This method creates a new output string (if necessary), calls this widget's content method and returns the string.



the string (or array, or Erector::Output) to output to. Default: a new empty string


whether Erector should add newlines and indentation. Default: the value of #prettyprint_default (which, in turn, is false by default).


the amount of spaces to indent. Ignored unless prettyprint is true.


preferred maximum length of a line. Line wraps will only occur at space characters, so a long word may end up creating a line longer than this. If nil (default), then there is no arbitrary limit to line lengths, and only internal newline characters and prettyprinting will determine newlines in the output.


a helpers object containing utility methods. Usually this is a Rails view object.


in case you want to call a method other than content, pass its name in here.

# File lib/erector/abstract_widget.rb, line 98
def emit(options = {})
prettyprint_default() click to toggle source
# File lib/erector/abstract_widget.rb, line 24
def prettyprint_default
to_a(options = {}) click to toggle source

Entry point for rendering a widget (and all its children). Same as render / to_html only it returns an array, for theoretical performance improvements when using a Rack server (like Sinatra or Rails Metal).

# Options: see emit

# File lib/erector/abstract_widget.rb, line 117
def to_a(options = {})
to_s(*args) click to toggle source

alias for emit @deprecated Please use {emit} instead

# File lib/erector/abstract_widget.rb, line 104
def to_s(*args)
  unless defined? @@already_warned_to_s
    $stderr.puts "Erector::Widget#to_s is deprecated. Please use #to_html instead. Called from #{caller.first}"
    @@already_warned_to_s = true
widget(target, assigns = {}, options = {}, &block) click to toggle source

Emits a (nested) widget onto the current widget's output stream. Accepts either a class or an instance. If the first argument is a class, then the second argument is a hash used to populate its instance variables. If the first argument is an instance then the hash must be unspecified (or empty). If a block is passed to this method, then it gets set as the emited widget's block, and will be executed when that widget calls call_block or calls super from inside its content method.

This is the preferred way to call one widget from inside another. This method assures that the same output string is used, which gives better performance than using capture or to_html.

# File lib/erector/abstract_widget.rb, line 161
def widget(target, assigns = {}, options = {}, &block)
  if target.is_a? Class, &block)._emit_via(self, options)
    unless assigns.empty?
      raise "Unexpected second parameter. Did you mean to pass in assigns when you instantiated the #{target.class.to_s}?"
    target._emit_via(self, options, &block)

Protected Instance Methods

_emit(options = {}, &block) click to toggle source

executes this widget's content method, which emits stuff onto the output stream

# File lib/erector/abstract_widget.rb, line 189
def _emit(options = {}, &block)
  @_block   = block if block
  @_parent  = options[:parent]  || parent
  @_helpers = options[:helpers] || parent
  if options[:output]
    # todo: document that either :buffer or :output can be used to specify an output buffer, and deprecate :output
    if options[:output].is_a? Output
      @_output = options[:output]
      @_output ={:buffer => options[:output]}.merge(options))
    @_output =

  output.widgets << self.class
  send(options[:content_method_name] || :content)
_emit_via(parent, options = {}, &block) click to toggle source

same as _emit, but using a parent widget's output stream and helpers

# File lib/erector/abstract_widget.rb, line 210
def _emit_via(parent, options = {}, &block)
  _emit(options.merge(:parent  => parent,
                        :output  => parent.output,
                        :helpers => parent.helpers), &block)
sort_for_xml_declaration(attributes) click to toggle source
# File lib/erector/abstract_widget.rb, line 218
def sort_for_xml_declaration(attributes)
  # correct order is "version, encoding, standalone" (XML 1.0 section 2.8).
  # But we only try to put version before encoding for now.
  stringized = []
  attributes.each do |key, value|
    stringized << [key.to_s, value]
  stringized.sort{|a, b| b <=> a}