Erector is a Builder-like view framework, inspired by Markaby but overcoming some of its flaws. In Erector all views are objects, not template files, which allows the full power of object-oriented programming (inheritance, modular decomposition, encapsulation) in views. See the rdoc for the Erector::Widget class to learn how to make your own widgets, and visit the project site at for more documentation.
No, seriously, we've got hella docs at – go check it out.
require 'erector' class Hello < Erector::Widget def content html do head do title "Hello" end body do text "Hello, " b @target, :class => 'big' text "!" end end end end => 'world').to_html => "<html><head><title>Hello</title></head><body>Hello, <b class=\"big\">world</b>!</body></html>" include Erector::Mixin erector { div "love", :class => "big" } => "<div class=\"big\">love</div>"
The gem depends on rake and treetop, although this is just for using the command-line tool, so deployed applications won't need these. The Rails-dependent code is now separated so you can use Erector cleanly in a non-Rails app.
To install as a gem:
sudo gem install erector
Then add “require 'erector'” to any files which need erector.
To install as a Rails plugin:
Copy the erector source to vendor/plugins/erector in your Rails directory.
When installing this way, erector is automatically available to your Rails code (no require directive is needed).
Three spec rake tasks are provided: spec:core (core functionality), spec:erect (the erector command line tool), and spec:rails (rails integration).
'rake spec' will run the complete set of specs.
Fork it
Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
Create new Pull Request
See web site docs for more details.
Core Team:
Alex Chaffee
Jim Kingdon
Special Thanks To:
Abby (Chaffee's muse & Best friend)
Brian Takita
Jeff Dean
John Firebaugh
Nathan Sobo
Nick Kallen
Alon Salant
Andy Peterson
see History.txt
see LICENSE.txt