Note that this class is only used in building erector itself (and even then, only needs to be run when there is a new UnicodeData.txt file from
# File lib/erector/unicode_builder.rb, line 6 def initialize(input, output) @input = input @output = output @first = true end
# File lib/erector/unicode_builder.rb, line 12 def generate() @output.puts "Erector::CHARACTERS = {" process_file @output.puts "}" end
# File lib/erector/unicode_builder.rb, line 62 def namify(name) name.downcase.gsub(/[- ]/, '_') end
# File lib/erector/unicode_builder.rb, line 58 def output(name, code_point) output_line " :#{namify(name)} => 0x#{code_point.downcase}" end
# File lib/erector/unicode_builder.rb, line 32 def output_line(line) if (!@first) @output.puts(',') end @output.print(line) @first = false end
# File lib/erector/unicode_builder.rb, line 18 def process_file() while !@input.eof line = @input.gets.strip if (line == "") next; end process_line(line) end if (!@first) @output.puts end end
# File lib/erector/unicode_builder.rb, line 42 def process_line(line) fields = line.split(';') code_point = fields[0] name = fields[1] alternate_name = fields[10] if /^</.match(name) return "" end output name, code_point if (!alternate_name.nil? && alternate_name != "") output alternate_name, code_point end end