module Erector::Convenience

Public Instance Methods

css(href, options = {}) click to toggle source

Convenience method to emit a css file link, which looks like this: <link href=“erector.css” rel=“stylesheet” type=“text/css” /> The parameter is the full contents of the href attribute, including any “.css” extension.

If you want to emit raw CSS inline, use the style method instead.

# File lib/erector/convenience.rb, line 50
def css(href, options = {})
  link({:rel => 'stylesheet', :type => 'text/css', :href => href}.merge(options))
dom_id() click to toggle source

makes a unique id based on the widget's class name and object id that you can use as the HTML id of an emitted element

# File lib/erector/convenience.rb, line 94
def dom_id
javascript(value = nil, attributes = {}) { || ... } click to toggle source

Emits a javascript block inside a script tag, wrapped in CDATA doohickeys like all the cool JS kids do.

# File lib/erector/convenience.rb, line 62
def javascript(value = nil, attributes = {})
  if value.is_a?(Hash)
    attributes = value
    value      = nil
  elsif block_given? && value
    raise ArgumentError, "You can't pass both a block and a value to javascript -- please choose one."

  script(attributes.merge(:type => "text/javascript")) do
    # Shouldn't this be a "cdata" HtmlPart?
    # (maybe, but the syntax is specific to javascript; it isn't
    # really a generic XML CDATA section.  Specifically,
    # ]]> within value is not treated as ending the
    # CDATA section by Firefox2 when parsing text/html,
    # although I guess we could refuse to generate ]]>
    # there, for the benefit of XML/XHTML parsers).
    output << raw("\n// <![CDATA[\n")
    if block_given?
      output << raw(value)
    output << raw("\n// ]]>")
    output.append_newline # this forces a newline even if we're not in pretty mode

  output << raw("\n")
join(array, separator) click to toggle source

Emits the result of joining the elements in array with the separator. The array elements and separator can be Erector::Widget objects, which are rendered, or strings, which are html-escaped and output.

# File lib/erector/convenience.rb, line 26
def join(array, separator)
  first = true
  array.each do |item|
    if !first
      if separator.is_a? Widget
        widget separator
        text separator
    first = false
    if item.is_a? Widget
      widget item
      text item
to_pretty(options = {}) click to toggle source

Render (like to_html) but adding newlines and indentation. You may just want to call to_html(:prettyprint => true) so you can pass in other rendering options as well.

# File lib/erector/convenience.rb, line 6
def to_pretty(options = {})
  emit(options.merge(:prettyprint => true))
to_text(options = {}) click to toggle source

Render (like to_html) but stripping all tags and inserting some appropriate formatting. Currently we format p, br, ol, ul, and li tags.

# File lib/erector/convenience.rb, line 13
def to_text(options = {})
  # TODO: make text output a first class rendering strategy, like HTML is now,
  # so we can do things like nested lists and numbered lists
  html = to_html(options.merge(:prettyprint => false))
  html.gsub!(/^<p[^>]*>/, '')
  html.gsub!(/(<(ul|ol)>)?<li>/, "\n* ")
  html.gsub!(/<(\/?(ul|ol|p|br))[^>]*( \/)?>/, "\n")
  CGI.unescapeHTML(html.gsub(/<[^>]*>/, ''))
url(href, options = {}) click to toggle source