module Erector::Text

Public Instance Methods

character(code_point_or_name) click to toggle source

Return a character given its unicode code point or unicode name.

# File lib/erector/text.rb, line 107
def character(code_point_or_name)
  if code_point_or_name.is_a?(Symbol)
    require "erector/unicode"
    found = Erector::CHARACTERS[code_point_or_name]
    if found.nil?
      raise "Unrecognized character #{code_point_or_name}"
    raw("&#x#{sprintf '%x', found};")
  elsif code_point_or_name.is_a?(Integer)
    raw("&#x#{sprintf '%x', code_point_or_name};")
    raise "Unrecognized argument to character: #{code_point_or_name}"
h(content) click to toggle source

Returns an HTML-escaped version of its parameter. Leaves the output string untouched. This method is idempotent: h(h(text)) will not double-escape text. This means that it is safe to do something like text(h(“2<4”)) – it will produce “2&lt;4”, not “2&amp;lt;4”.

# File lib/erector/text.rb, line 98
def h(content)
  if content.respond_to?(:html_safe?) && content.html_safe?
nbsp(value = " ") click to toggle source

Returns a copy of value with spaces replaced by non-breaking space characters. With no arguments, return a single non-breaking space. The output uses the escaping format '&#160;' since that works in both HTML and XML (as opposed to '&nbsp;' which only works in HTML).

# File lib/erector/text.rb, line 90
def nbsp(value = " ")
  raw(h(value).gsub(/ /,'&#160;'))
raw(value) click to toggle source

Returns text which will not be HTML-escaped.

# File lib/erector/text.rb, line 75
def raw(value)
rawtext(value) click to toggle source
Alias for: text!
text(*values) click to toggle source

Emits text to the output buffer, e.g.

text "my dog smells awful"
=> "my dog smells awful"

If a string is passed in, it will be HTML-escaped. If the result of calling methods such as raw is passed in, the HTML will not be HTML-escaped again. If another kind of object is passed in, the result of calling its to_s method will be treated as a string would be.

You shouldn't pass a widget in to this method, as that will cause performance problems (as well as being semantically goofy). Use the widget method instead.

You may pass a series of values (i.e. varargs). In that case, each value will be emitted to the output stream in turn. You can specify a delimiter by using an options hash with as the final argument, using :join as the key, e.g.

text "my", "dog", "smells", :join => " "
=> "my dog smells"

You may also pass a Promise as a parameter; every tag method now returns a Promise after emitting. This allows you to easily embed simple HTML formatting into a sentence, e.g.

text "my", "dog", "smells", b("great!"), :join => " "
=> "my dog smells <b>great!</b>"

(Yes, the initial call to b emits “<b>great</b>” to the output buffer; the Promise feature takes care of rewinding and rewriting the output buffer during the later call to text.)

# File lib/erector/text.rb, line 38
def text(*values)
  options = if values.last.is_a? Hash
  delimiter = options[:join]{|value| value.is_a? Promise}.each do |promise|
    # erase whatever the promises wrote already

  first = true
  values.each do |value|
    if !first and delimiter
      output << h(delimiter)
    first = false

    case value
    when AbstractWidget
      # todo: better deprecation
      raise "Don't pass a widget to the text method. Use the widget method instead."
    when Promise
      value._mark # so the promise's rewind won't erase anything
      value._render # render the promise to the output stream again
      # note: we could let the promise cache its first effort, but
      # here I think it's better to optimize for memory over speed
      output << h(value)
text!(value) click to toggle source

Emits text which will not be HTML-escaped. Same effect as text(raw(s))

# File lib/erector/text.rb, line 80
def text!(value)
  text raw(value)
Also aliased as: rawtext