module Erector::Sass

Adds sass support to Erector widgets.

Sass is an *optional dependency* of the Erector gem, so a call to sass inside a widget will fail unless you have already installed the sass gem (e.g. “gem 'sass'” in your code or Gemfile).

Current support is barebones. Please offer suggestions (or better yet, patches) for whether and how to support, e.g., caching, loading from files, precompilation, etc.

It seems to me that SASS/SCSS should be part of the Page widget, which would allow all the little style snippets to be compiled together and appear in the document HEAD.

Public Instance Methods

sass(arg, options = {}) click to toggle source
# File lib/erector/sass.rb, line 16
def sass(arg, options = {})
  require "sass"
  options = {:cache => false}.merge(options)
  if arg =~ /[\w\.*]\.s?css/
    options[:filename] = arg
    sass_text =
    sass_text = arg
  style raw(::Sass.compile(sass_text, options))
scss(arg, options = {}) click to toggle source
# File lib/erector/sass.rb, line 28
def scss(arg, options = {})
  sass arg, {:syntax => :scss}.merge(options)