The Table widget provides the ability to render a table from a list of objects (one for each row).
Because the default for the column titles utilizes the ActiveSupport Inflector#titleize method, this widget requires active_support to be loaded (or some other gem that adds `titleize` to String).
class UsersTable < Erector::Widgets::Table column :first_name column :last_name column :email row_classes :even, :odd end widget UsersTable, :row_objects => [user_1, user_2, user_3]
Define a column, optionally specifying the name (the heading that the user sees) and a block which renders the cell given a row object. If the block is not specified, the cell contains the result of calling a method whose name is id.
The name can be a string or a proc.
# File lib/erector/widgets/table.rb, line 27 def column(id, name=id.to_s.titleize, &cell_proc) cell_proc ||= proc {|object| text object.__send__(id)} column_definitions <<, name, cell_proc) end
A list of HTML classes to apply to the rows in turn. After the list is exhausted, start again at the start. The most common use for this is to specify one class for odd rows and a different class for even rows.
# File lib/erector/widgets/table.rb, line 40 def row_classes(*row_classes) @row_class_list = row_classes end
The standard erector content method.
# File lib/erector/widgets/table.rb, line 47 def content table do thead do tr do column_definitions.each do |column_def| th do if self.instance_exec(, & else text end end end end end tbody do @row_objects.each_with_index do |object, index| row object, index end end end end
You can override this method to provide a class for a row (as an alternative to calling ::row_classes).
# File lib/erector/widgets/table.rb, line 83 def row_css_class(object, index) cycle(index) end